Thursday 19 January 2012

Things We Love: Week 3

Cute Weddings - I'll make a big post about weddings sometime in the future! I love simple things. When I get married, I want it to be very simple, bohemian-like, and very personal. Maybe even a potluck. I don't need glitz and glamour! The flower crown is so perfect. (Memo to self: Wear a flower crown on your wedding day. Or maybe even sooner, just for fun.)

Friends doing great things: My friend Sim has moved from England to New Jersey to study abroad! I wish I had the guts to do that. You can read all about her adventures here!

This video of an (adorable!) new born deer. I'm squealing from the cuteness:

DIY Magazine Display: Such a great idea to display magazines. If I had some extra wall space, I'd do this.

Nice people: I really appreciate nice people. I think it's really easy to be mean nowadays, lots of people are negative and just not nice. Just remember what you put into the world, is what you'll get out of it. 

Coldplay: 14 years ago, Coldplay played their first show. You can watch this lovely little film and read little journal entries about their journey here.

Have a lovely night. Be happy!

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